Monday, June 2, 2014

A-Z Marathon! Author of the Day: Rick Riordan

**Mild Kane Chronicle and Percy Jackson spoilers below. The big spoilers will be covered up, and I hopefully shouldn't have to tell you how you can view them. If you don't know, just look up some of my other book talks to find out.

I have been waiting for so long to do this segment. Everything has lead up to this moment.

So, you might know Rick Riordan because he wrote the Kane Chronicles, The Maze of Bones (the 39 clues), and . . . PERCY JACKSON!!!
Also, he's basically the kind of character development and wittiness.
Before I begin on why he's a great author, here are some other things I've posted regarding his books:

Anyway, we're going to score Rick Riordan's writing on a point system. This isn't what I'm actually giving him. It's more like a rubric for authors:
  1. 5 points for the ability to create female and male heroes that aren't dependent on the person they love.
  2. 5 points for a good writing style.
  3. 5 points for a plot that makes sense.
  4. 5 points for character development in every book.
  5. 5 points for good pacing.
  6. 5 points for creating very diverse and realistic characters.

Let's begin.
  1. Rick Riordan gets 5 points in this category. Take Annabeth and Percy, for example. They did just fine when they were apart. They were still really brave and strong without each other. However, when they're together, they are absolutely amazing. They even each other out and where one person isn't as strong (Ex: Percy and smarts) the other person makes up the difference. And they can function without each other. In Twilight: "Edward, I can't get the cereal box without you." "But Bella, you know how I am with cereal boxes! It's too dangerous!" That is not the case here.
  2. 5 points. I like the writing style. There's a lot of humor in it, but it never feels like an overdose of it. I feel like this was slightly different in the Kane Chronicles, and I think that was just because I didn't care about the characters as much. And because Leo Valdez lives in the Percy Jackson universe, so . . .
  3. 4.7 points. The overall plot makes perfect sense. Train young half god children, tell them to fight giants, have them fight giants, save the world. But there are some minor things in his writing that I just don't really believe could even happen in a magical universe. Also, the plot is usually pretty obvious. The characters have lots of interesting stories, but I don't feel like the books are very complicated.
  4. Character development. 5 points. All of his characters developed. It's so good. So good.
  5. 5 points. I'm never bored during his books. Ever.
  6. THE CHARACTERS. 5 points. I'll post pictures of the characters below. Let's stay on topic for now, though.
Overall, Rick Riordan has a 29.7 out of 30. That's pretty good.
You might have seen me gushing about the characters above, so IF YOU HAVE NOT READ PERCY JACKSON, LEAVE

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