Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Beautiful covers

I'm a perfectionist, so this took forever to put together. It's still imperfect.
It's still extremely imperfect.
However, the cover for the Blood of Olympus, the conclusion to this long series, is here! It may change, but this is what we have so far.
Just click on the picture to zoom it in.
*By the way, my abbreviations might really annoy you.
This series is probably one of the most beautiful series ever. TLF was okay. It's all kind of dull, minus the camp half blood t shirt. SoM was a little better. There are more details, like the gigantic eye in the background, and the ship that you might miss. TTC is kind of . . . meh. BotL just looks epically epic. TLO looks cool, too.
Then we get on to the Heroes of Olympus series, and everything has gotten better--the plot has gotten better, the characters have gotten better, even the writing itself has gotten better. TLH has an epic cover. I didn't even really notice the translucent building in the background to the left of Festus until now. I should probably stop myself, but let's just say that SoN is amazing, MoA looks like someone almost had too much fun with the cover, HoH looks ABSOFRICKINGLUTELY AWESOME, and now let's study The Blood of Olympus cover.
Spoilers below, if you haven't read the series.
So, we have two giants on the cover. That's what we're expecting. There's a sword on the giant's back, so we can assume that there will be tons of actions in this book, but the happy ending of the previous book already clued us in on that. Then we have what looks like Jason Grace front and center on the cover with lightning and stuff. To be honest, it'll be cool is he saves the day in this book, but I'll be really pissed if he does. For the past four books, he's basically been mooching off of everybody else's success and surviving on the fact that he's a son of Zeus. If he swoops in and saves the day, I'll feel so angry. "Yay Jason! You saved the world, but let's not forget the fact that you couldn't defeat two gnomes." But, I'm not sure if he is Jason. For one thing, he's wearing a camp half blood t shirt, but we have seen him becoming more Greek in the previous books. But, for another thing, he's wearing glasses. If you zoom in really close, you'll see them. Then we have Hazel, or what I'm pretty sure is supposed to be Hazel, on her horse, holding a sword. Mkay. Then we have what might be Frank. I'm not too sure, but he looks kind of muscular. I don't know what he's holding. The thing in the air near the top left of the cover looks like the hook of a crane. Wonder what that's for . . .
In the background, we have another face, possibly another giant, maybe the statue of Athena. Then we have some ancient looking white columns, so I'm pretty sure we all can assume where they are.
I want Nico on the cover.
I want Nico on the cover.
Nonetheless, I am so happy. The cover looks great. This entire series looks great, and while I'm sad that it's ending, I can still read the companion books and the Kane Chronicles and all of that fun stuff.

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