Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Books Talks: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Now, this book has been talked about to death, and it's been out for a while. I already did one review of the book, and you can check that out by using this nifty blog navigation device to your right. However, one post about this book did not suffice.
Something happened today that caused me to rethink that completely.
As some of you may know, I still go to school. Fun fun fun. So, during first period, I sat down and pulled out whatever book I was planning on reading that day. The popular girl who sits next to me arrived a little later and sat down in her spot. Everything was normal.
Then, something weird happened. This girl pulled out a book from her backpack, and she started to read it. This was weird, because I have never seen her even touch a book before. So, she starts to read it and I notice that she's already about halfway through. I'm amazed.
The teacher passed out the assignment from the day and goes back to his desk to play Minecraft.
Ten minutes later, the teacher looks up and has to ask the girl sitting next to me to put her book away.
So, this post is a tribute to TFiOS for getting people who usually don't read to fall in love with books.

For the five of you who don't know, TFiOS is about a girl with cancer who goes to a support group for cancer. But the book is not about cancer. Basically, she meets a guy who also has cancer, but the book isn't really about love. It is one of those books that makes you cry from how sad and beautiful it is.

Instead of talking to you guys about the book, I'm going to do something a little different and create a beautiful collage of TFiOS stuff. Minor spoilers below. You might have to zoom in (which you can do by clicking on the picture. Don't you dare mess with the zoom under your computer settings and make life hard on yourself), because I wanted to make the blog symmetrical. Enjoy :)

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