Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A-Z Marathon! Author of the Day: Shel Silverstein

I just found out that Shel Silverstein died years and years ago.

So, this post is dedicated to him.
When I was in second grade, we had to read one picture book every day. Once I had finished my picture book before everyone else did, because I've always been a show-off, I read Where the Sidewalk Ends, Falling Up, A Light in the Attic, and I absolutely loved the books.
The illustrations that came with his poetry used to kind of freak me out, but I still loved everything that Shel Silverstein created.
Where the Sidewalk Ends is my favorite by him. I have devoured that book multiple times. His poetry just really relates to kids. He wrote these really interesting poems that talked about cleaning you room, and eating everything on your plate, and pretending to be sick to miss school. I loved it, and I still do.
Shel Silverstein's writing actually inspired me to make my own poetry at one point, but I have burned the poetry since because it made no sense. And I was 7.
All in all, love the poems. If you haven't read any of Shel Silverstein's poems, I highly recommend them because they're really fun to read.

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