Sunday, May 25, 2014

A-Z Marathon! The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken

I can't put into words how amazing this book was.
For those of you who are currently reading and are disagreeing with me, let me tell you a bit about the book:
The first 50 pages is all just exposition. The next 50 pages is build up. The next 100 pages after that is a road trip full of character development. After that, the book is amazingly awesome. Once you get past the first few slow but intriguing pages, it is so good.
If you want an actual book talk or something, click here. Beware, my thoughts were scattered when I wrote this post because I had just finished the book:

So, if you haven't read The Darkest Minds . . . GET OUT!!!!
And we shall look at pretty pictures. Also, this fandom isn't a very popular one yet, but it will be.
It will.

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