Monday, May 26, 2014

A-Z Marathon! Frindle by Andrew Clements

I have read a lot of books by Andrew Clements. He is one of the authors I grew up on, but this is one of my favorite books by him.
It's about a boy who starts calling a pen a "frindle." Then it catches on and soon, everyone is calling a pen a frindle.
It may sound boring, but I enjoyed it, and I was young.
I mean, Barney used to entertain me. Now that I'm all sophisticated and mature, Barney doesn't entertain me. The same may go for this book, but I liked it when I was young!
I was just really intrigued by how the frindle caught on. It wasn't just an instant thing. It was a rebellion! There's a teacher in this book that said to stop with all of the frindle nonsense, but they rebelled!

I'm so sorry. I don't remember enough about this book to make a post about it, but I'm doing an alphabet marathon, so . . .
Quality posts are coming soon! I am almost done with The Book Thief, and I am going to write a book about The Book Thief!

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