Sunday, May 11, 2014

Dystopiathon: The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken

**To view spoilers, drag your mouse over the empty space between"<SPOILER>...<SPOILER>"

*I apologize for the quality of this post. I wrote this post in less than 2 minutes after I finished the book, and my thoughts were very scattered. Do not read this post thinking that I am an intelligent blogger and book review-er. Because when I wrote this, I was simply an emotional wreck.

Screw Divergent. Just screw it. This book was so much more awesome in so many ways. I can't even put it into words.

It's about this mysterious disease that has infected pretty much most children in America going through puberty. Most of them die, but the ones that are left get these strange and dangerous powers. So, they're basically locked into concentration camps.

<IMMA SPOIL YOU> Okay. I just finished The Darkest Minds and I need to get my hands on Never Fade. I CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER. I NEED IT. NOW!
One thing that I like about this book is how the author shares the main character's back story and gives us information about what's happening. She doesn't just come out and say "Clancy Gray is Slip Kid and he's an Orange and a major creep" or "Ruby wants to get intimate with Liam." Also, I might not have caught it, but what do greens and reds do?
I was not expecting for Slip Kid to be the president's son. I knew that we would run into him at some point in the story because he was mentioned a lot, but I didn't expect it to be like this!
Okay. Back to my emotions. I rarely get emotionally attached to a book. Most of the time, when characters die, I just think "that was unnecessary" and move on with my life. We don't know if Chubs is alive and we don't know what's going to happen to Liam. I grew so attached to these characters and I just need them to be all happy and I need Liam to hold Ruby's hands and I need Zu to be around and I need Chubs to talk about smart things and I need all of these characters.
RUBY! WHY??!!! Yeah, it kind of seems like the only way but . . . but . . . the cliffhanger . . . and Liam and Ruby were so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so perfect together and the little scene before she erased his memory and just WHYYYYYYYYYYYYEYYYYYYYYEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEYYYYYY!!!
I cannot put into words how awesome this book was. Usually, I don't read 200 pages of a book in under 12 hours. To be honest, I don't read during my leisure time. But this book . . . was so amazing.
Thank you, Alexandra Bracken, for creating this masterpiece. <SPOILERS>

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