Monday, May 12, 2014

I have a problem

You know how most people prefer to only read 1 book at a time and give that one book their full, undivided attention?
I am not most people.
I, the sole blogger of Bookahooligans, am addicted to books.
I still go to school, so I have two libraries: a school library and a public library. At my school, you're only allowed to check out two books at once. So, I just checked out two books today. At the public library, you are allowed to check out as much as you can carry, so my situation could be worse because I haven't gone to the public library in a while.
However, there's also a book store nearby. I bought 3 books the last time I went there. I devoured one, I'm still trudging through the other, and I started one today that I'm pretty content with.
I'm addicted to books. I suppose it's better than being addicted to drugs, but it's fairly similar. I have to get my next hit. I've started about eight series, and I picked up other books just to salvage my sanity when I couldn't get the next books in the series.
I'm reading too much. Far too much. So, I decided I might as well show you guys what I'm reading.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

I got this book from my old bookshelf, because it was my brother's required reading but I somehow haven't gotten to it yet.
If you've seen my post about expanding my reading, you'll know that this is one of the books that I wanted to read. I started it about 10 minutes after publishing that post.
I'm only on chapter 2, so I can't tell you much about it. I can tell you that I'm learning some phrases (7 years my senior means 7 years older. I didn't know that before) and the little town this story takes place in is interesting. I can't tell you much else, but I can say that it's going to take me a while to get through this one.
I'm so used to the exciting, fast-paced fantasies that it's difficult to adjust, but that's what expanding my reading is about.

Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick

This book hails from my school library, and I got it exactly four hours and fifty-seven minutes ago.
Despite being over 630 pages long, I'm going to finish this one quick. I love Brian Selznick's work and I love his illustrations and I really want to see what happens in this book. I loved the Invention of Hugo Cabret and I'm sure I'll love this as well.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

This one comes from the book store and I have some problems with it so far.
The writing style is extremely hard to get used to. The spaces between the paragraphs, the incomplete sentences, the narration, the German words, **THE CUT INS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PAGE THAT LOOK MUCH LIKE THIS**, the plot, um . . .
I know that it sounds like I'm not enjoying this book, but I've been learning a lot of in-depth things about WWII lately, so it's very interesting and I understand what kind of world the characters are living in.

Farewell to Manzanar by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston

Speaking of WWII, this book is a memoir about Japanese Internment and I'm kind of surprised by how much I like it. I don't read memoirs very often and this book is helping my understand WWII and it's also helping me understand The Book Thief a little bit. I'm more than halfway through it, which I'm kind of surprised about.
This is not a book I would normally pick up, but I'm expanding my reading, so hooray for me.

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

I bought this one at the bookstore and made a mistake.
I'm told that the books gets better, but I'm around page 120 and I can't get through any more of it. It just sits at the back of my shelf saying "Come on! I'm a dystopian novel! There's so much you don't know about how I end! I'm being made into a movie! You know how much you love watching book to movie adaptations, even if they're bad. Please! You spent ten dollars on me! I'm so full of promise! Don't you want to know what a Griever is? I'll tell you in 100 pages from now . . ." And I'm just like "No."

Eight Keys by Suzanne LaFleur

Got dis one at da library.
Please, pardon my spelling there. I just wanted to sound slightly more casual than I usually do.
I actually haven't started reading this one, but it looks like a fun little read. What worries me is the title of the first chapter: Why my Life Really Stinks. I'm worried that this book will be about some kid who has lost one or both of her parents and has some sort of social . . . problem (bullying, isn't popular). . . at her school. If this book is anything like that, I am going to throw it across the room in rage. I don't want another stereotypical book like that. Even Wonderstruck is kind of annoying me because the main character's mom is dead, and now he's dealing with this emotional trauma. You know, I'm going to make a post about book characters with dead parents just to rant. I'll be back.

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