Thursday, June 19, 2014

Half Baked Reviews: Cinder by Marissa Meyer

I picked up Cinder because A) I've heard great things about it, and B) The author is doing a book signing at the nearby library, so I plan on marathoning what is out of the series before then.

Currently, I am on page 285, which is the start of Book Four.
This book is placed in a very strange and futuristic setting. There's really cool technology, androids, robots, and a deadly plague. Oh, and there's also an evil colony of mind controlling aliens called Lunars on the moon.
Our main character is Cinder, and she is a cyborg mechanic.

Now, I'm not exactly sure if there is a plot yet. It's definitely an interesting book, but I don't feel like everything has come together quite yet, but there are some things I'd like to talk about.

  • I like that the romance in this book is a bit more political. The prince is trying to get Cinder to go to the ball with him because he doesn't want to have to go with the Lunar queen in fear that she might somehow brainwash him. I like that it's not exactly a "OMG, I like, really like this hot guy" kind of book.
  • I like the concept. Cinderella in the future sounds pretty cool to me.
  • There is some vocabulary in here that I really like. It doesn't exactly feel like the author just had a thesaurus beside her because the words are used so conservatively, but there are some that I definitely like: Thaumaturge (which my computer is telling me isn't a real word, but I at least like the word it derived from), stippled, befitting, condolences (love that word), diffused, congregate, lingering, diplomatic--these words aren't exactly big words, but I love them, and I could go on forever.
  • It's a little predictable. Any time you hear "Oh, but she died in a fire thirteen years ago" in a story, you know. You know. Or any time there's an emphasis on a certain subject, (lunar *cough* lunar) you know that it will personally affect the main character.
  • The evil stepsisters didn't seem that evil. Sure, Pearl seems a little rude, but it seemed like Peony and Cinder were very close.
  • I'm really glad that the plague is a part of the story. Without it, it would be very dull. But it leads to a lot of cool discoveries concerning the main character, and I'm enjoying my read so far.
There's not much else I can say about this book because not too much has really happened yet. Full review is coming soon.
*Also, more publishers should do this.

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