Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A-Z Marathon! Characters from Books: Xenophilius Lovegood

At least I can count on you, JK Rowling!

Literally nothing else starts with X. Just think about it.

So, we'll have to stick with this.

Xenophilius Lovegood is not a major character. He made an appearance in one book, and that was really it. He's Luna's dad, but Luna wasn't a really major character either. She's my favorite character, though.
Anyway, he's the editor of the quibbler magazine. *Fun fact, Xenophilius derives from the word xenophile, which is someone who is attracted to aliens and other word creatures, and his obsession with nargles and all that jazz just explains his name.
Anyway, he wrote real nice stuff about Harry in the quibbler during that whole "VOLDEMORT IS NOT BACK, YOU IDIOT!" thing. However, Death Eaters stole Luna and Xeno just said "Screw it. I'm going to save my daughter."

Anyway, minor character, but his name starts with X.

Deal with it.

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