Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A-Z Marathon! Characters from Books: Zu

**Leave and go here if you have not read The Darkest Minds!

Zu :)

So, Zu is basically mute. She just chooses not to speak.
She's a yellow, which I think is cool because you don't really see many yellows in this book. It's kind of like the hufflepuff of colors--it's just kind of there. Well, greens are more hufflepuff, I suppose.
Anyway, I love Zu. One thing that I like is that she is a really unique character. There are rarely any mute characters or characters who just don't speak in literature, YA especially. Every character seems to either be outspoken and brave or shy and mysteriously awesome. But she was bald (well, she had her head shaved) and didn't talk so we couldn't get a huge sense of her personality, but at least we know why she doesn't talk (thanks to Ruby). She was also really adorable and how the author described her actions just gave her enough personality. How she reacted when she got the pink gloves and saw the dress in the store :)
But then, Zu just leaves. And she tells (you know what I mean) Ruby that she has something to say to her when they meet each other again. So, cliffhanger. Sadness. Sadness.

And hey, you guys on Tumblr, WHERE IS OUR FANDOM FAN ART? Serious! There are basically no drawings of Zu. We only have gifs of crying and the occasional picture of an actress with "Ruby" written on the picture. No! Do your jobs!

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