Friday, May 30, 2014

A-Z Marathon! Insurgent by Veronica Roth

You see, nothing that I read starts with I.
I kid you not, no authors that I have read (that I remember) have names that start with I, nothing of their characters have names that start with I, and no books except for this one book starts with I.
Well, I suppose The Invention of Hugo Cabret counts, now that I'm looking at my bookshelf . . .
Still. Not much of an option.
Everyone just start naming your kids Isa and Ivy and Ivan and any other names that start with I. Please.

I already did a book talk for Insurgent and you can see it here:

Anyway, we're just going to look at pictures. But there are certain pictures that I want to show--the fan made covers/movie posters. I don't know what it is about the Divergent fandom, but they are all awesome artists and they can do some pretty cool stuff with photoshop.
I mean, the covers are so good that some of these, especially the fan made Allegiant covers, are probably good enough to actually be the actual book cover. *Also, I think that one or two of the, are just less popular editions of the book.

These two covers are the actual covers.

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