Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A-Z Marathon! Book Talks: The House of Hades by Rick Riordan

Leave if you have not read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series and the Heroes of Olympus series.

I loved The House of Hades. It is probably one of my favorite Heroes of Olympus books. And I'll tell you why:

  • The writing, as always, was perfect. There was always a nice balance between descriptions, dialogues, thoughts, witty comments, feelings, and imagery and all of that fun stuff.
  • The plot. STUFF WAS HAPPENING. I have read a lot of slow and boring books. HoH was not one of them. There was constant action from multiple perspectives and it I was constantly entertained.
  • Leo and Calypso. For one thing, Rick Riordan brought back a character that we only saw for about a chapter five books ago. Also, LEO FINALLY MIGHT GET A GIRL. And don't they just look perfect together? I'm sorry . . . I usually don't ship couples together or anything, but Cleo is my OTP. I have to have one, and this is it.
  • Tartarus was awesome. It was super cool, and--I need to discuss something quickly. This book was amazing in particular for one reason: a lot of old characters, good and bad, were brought back. It's so cool to read these books and think "Oh yeah. That's a monster they defeated in The Titan's Curse." I just loved that. Back to my point--it constantly kept me on edge and enthralled in this book.
  • One thing I don't understand about this book is why Tartarus chose to fight them in his human form. I mean, he said was trying it out, but he could have just swallowed the demigods whole if he wasn't in his human form. But I know, Rick Riordan was trying to protect his house from angry fangirls, so I get it.
  • Nico. That just kind of came out of nowhere. The more the demigods said that Nico had a crush on Annabeth, the more I doubted it, but I wasn't expecting this.
  • Jason. I know he's supposed to be the attractive and strong and heroic male lead, but none of that is coming through. He's just so serious and he does cool things that help nothing.
  • Piper. Yay. She's learning to fight. Woohoo. Her charmspeak is much cooler. I still don't really buy that she was able to charmspeak Festus to life, but you know, whatever Riordan says.
  • Hazel . . . I guess she was a pretty important character in this book. The first chapter was from her point of view. She learned how to use the mist! Yay!
  • Percabeth: 5 stars.
  • Bob. I feel so sad for Bob. I love Bob. He had to be a janitor for all of those years, and then I feel like Percy kind of used him, but he had to.
  • Small Bob. Ten stars for Small Bob.
  • However, the award to the most developed character goes to Frank. He developed physically, which never really happens in a book. And he also became a leader and he kind of came out of his shell and . . . I loved it.
  • Lastly, this book is leading up to the perfect finale. We saw a glimpse of Graver and Rachel. We might have a Nico or a Reyna POV. Cleo might become a thing. Storm or fire. Everything has lead up to The Blood of Olympus.THIS CAN ONLY MEAN THAT WE WILL SEE THEM IN THE NEXT BOOK. WHO ELSE IS EXCITED???

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