Sunday, June 1, 2014

A-Z Marathon! The Maze Runner by James Dashner

I am going to be honest. I have not finished this book yet.
I started reading it a few months ago and haven't picked it up since.
I'm about a third of the way through, and I'm doing this post so that I can somehow motivate myself to read more of it.

  • This book had an interesting start. I was intrigued, excited to keep reading. Enthralled for ten pages. Bored the rest.
  • I hate the language they use in the Glade. I get so annoyed whenever the author uses apostrophes 'ike this to sho' tha' th' 'aracters drop G's 'n stuff. I could not get over it.
  • I hate all of the characters. They can all die in the maze for all I care. Thomas is annoying and all of the other characters are complete asswipes.
  • The girl comes into the maze and then: nothing. She just sits in the hospital. And what if Thomas falls in love with her and they somehow get out of the maze and the people who made the maze (I'm assuming that someone made the maze) say "Ha ha. Funny story--that's your sister."
  • There is no suspense. I'm only annoyed. A third of the way in and there still isn't a plot.
  • This is something that I see in every book. The main character is the only one who does anything nice. Thomas rushed in to save someone from being squashed by the walls. I have a problem with this because he is the least experienced person there. Why is the newbie always the bravest one?
I'll finish this book soon, maybe, but if the rest of the books are like this, I will probably not continue the series.

However, the movie will probably be better. The part of this book that bores me is all of the explaining, and I feel like the movie will be able to zip right through that to the exciting part, provided there is an exciting part.

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