Sunday, June 1, 2014

A-Z Marathon! Characters from Books: Nymphadora Tonks

Well, Hufflepuff--you don't totally suck.
And I know that Tonks would be mad at me for calling her Nymphadora Tonks, so I'm sorry--it's for the purposes if this post.

Anyway, as we all know, Tonks married Remus Lupin (But Lupin rejected Tonks before, which caused Tonks to become depressed which changed her Patronus, and then Lupin got the nerve to marry Tonks--kind of a complicated love story between them which the books don't go into too much detail about) and died in the final book. Yay. However, she is survived by her son, who she gave birth too before going into battle to fight Voldemort. 50 points to Hufflepuff.

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