Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Giver trailer 2 analysis

Anyone who has seen the first Giver trailer is pissed off.
But there's a second one.

Just because I'm really nice, here is the first Giver trailer:

I know. It's terrible. Here is the second one:

So, the first one was so absolutely terrible that I don't want to even begin to talk about it. I want to pretend it never existed. The second trailer is slightly better, but there are some things I would like to talk about.

In chronological order:
  • It seems like after the first trailer, they said "Oh shit, guys. We gotta make it in black and white or else all of the people who want it to be loyal to the book will be pissed." So they went to a simple movie creator program and put a black and white filter on half of the movie. They should have done that to begin with, but it's better late than never. I'm glad that they did that, because it makes it more authentic and also makes it more enjoyable to watch.
  • At 0:28, when Jonas says "Let's go," what the hell is that? That was not in the book. I have nothing against directors switching scenes around and leaving certain little things out, but you can't add in a whole other conflict. Because this shows that Jonas is yearning to leave his community, and he's not. Only at the end of the book does he realize how messed up everything is.
  • 0:57. This is perfect. You go from black and white to color, and it looks like they're going to show the memories in a way that will be really fun to watch and will make sense. I like that.
  • 1:00. Everything's in color now. That's not quite how it happens, but what they're trying to do is loyal to the book. Jonas starts to see more color after he receives these memories. This part shows that he sees everything in color, which means that 1:05 makes no sense. So, I'm not exactly sure how they're trying to execute this, but I'm hoping that they just switched those clips around to make the trailer make more sense and that the movie doesn't have a plot hole like that.
  • 1:09. Okay. I get how the morning injections are supposed to be like the pills, but the pills were supposed to stop you from having naughty thoughts. So it shows a little girl getting her injection and it just makes you think . . . But I see that they're trying to turn the morning injection into a bigger conflict, to show that the society is very corrupt, but that will definitely change the movie, so I don't feel very good about that.
  • 1:17. I know that in the book, Jonas skipped his pills. But I don't think he ever pressured anyone else into skipping their pills. And the redhead girl seems to be a larger part of the story in the movie. She was such a minor character in the book that I don't even remember her name.
  • 1:22. WOAH WOAH. HOLD UP. They never kissed. Oh my gosh I KNEW they were going to do this in the movie. In the book, there was basically no relationship between Jonas and any girl. They were just friends, and Jonas thought she was kind of pretty, I suppose. But why, WHY ON EARTH are they kissing????!!!
  • 1:28. What is happening in this trailer? Who is this woman? What? Was she even a character in the book? I get that she's supposed to be one of the elders, but I don't remember any of the elders getting the spotlight in the book. (Unless you count The Giver.)
  • Still at 1:28. Sure, the whole "bringing up Jonas's activity" thing looks cool, but why? What? Did the directors of this movie just say "Let's piss off all of the people who actually had faith that this movie would be loyal to the book."
  • 1:31. Seriously, who is this lady? Did I miss something in the book. I read it six months ago, and . . . I don't know.
  • 1:40. Hey! That was like the big spoiler in the book! Why did they tell you in the trailer? I think it's because they're adding a whole other conflict in the movie. I feel like the end of the book will be the equivalent to the middle of the movie, which is why the directors are comfortable about giving away such a huge secret in the trailer. That begs the question: what are they adding to the movie?
  • 1:59. What is happening?
  • 2:02. Seriously? This girl is a MINOR CHARACTER. Why is she shown in the trailer almost more than Jonas?
  • 2:16. What? Jonas never hurt anyone. Why? This book was genius! Why did Hollywood feel the need to screw it all up with clichéd action scenes and romance?
  • 2:19. You didn't see but I just did that thing where you lift your hands from the keyboard and stretch out your fingers. For those of you who don't know, it means that you are so angry that you need to cool down before you even begin to type. Because there are many unkind words that I have to say right now, but I try to keep this blog relatively PG.
  • And don't even get me started on the first trailer.
That's all I have to say.

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