Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A-Z Marathon! Catwings by Ursula K. Le Guin

I read this book recently.
It's a whole 40 pages long with big text and pictures.
Grueling read, really. Took me forever to finish.

We're almost done with A-Z marathon, guys. Nothing starts with U.

This book is about cats that can fly. It's a really deep and philosophical book that questions life and human existence itself.

So, the mother of these cats think that the cats were given wings so they could escape the ghetto city they were born in. So, she says "Alright. Get out of here. Fly away." And the cats do and they go on this adventure and I hate to spoil the ending . . . but they find these human children who basically adopt the cats.

This is apparently the first book in a series, which I rarely see in children's books. Think about. Where the Wild Things Are won't have a sequel. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom isn't a part of a trilogy. One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish doesn't have a sequal called "Three Fish Four Fish My Fish Your Fish." I digress.

It was actually a very interesting idea. Flying cats just resonates really well with me. It was fairly entertaining, and I didn't hate it, which is a good thing for any book.

You don't have to rush out and buy it right this very second, it's not that good. But, if you ever stumble upon it, humor me and read it.

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