Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Books to Read: The Girl Who Could Fly by Victoria Forester

This book was really good. It's about a girl who can fly. However, the book turns into this really cool mystery and I couldn't put the book down. I absolutely loved it. Once you get past the first 50-100 pages, it gets really good. It's a great book full of smart kids with amazing abilities, and I completely recommend it. There are also moments in the book where I was just like "Yeah! You show them how awesome you are!" and other where I was like "Someone. Is going. To die."
This is one of those books that I think people of all ages would be able to enjoy. It is about an almost teen aged girl who has a supernatural ability, but she's also just another kid dealing with low self-esteem and wanting to be free, and I feel like everyone can relate to that.
Highly, highly recommend.

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