Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Books to feel slightly disappointed about but this is much too long of a title to call it that, so I'll label it as Books to Read: Kendra Kandlestar and the Box of Whispers

This was a . . . a book.
Here are the problems I had with the book:
  • It was a bit of a generic "female heroine has to save the world against all odds" book.
  • Her name. It's Kendra Kandlestar. It annoys me.
  • The book was kind of cliché. It didn't stand out much.
  • You know when authors having dialogue where the characters say everything? (Ex: "You're stupid," Mark says. "You're ugly," Beth says. "You're mean," Mark says. "We should be kind and compassionate towards one another," Tyler says.) Well, Kendra declares everything in this book. Everyone declares everything in this book. "You're stupid," Mark declares. "You're ugly," Beth declares. "You're mean," Mark declares. "We should be kind and compassionate towards one another," Tyler . . . DECLARES!!! I remember the first time the author used "declared" I thought it was pretty clever. The second, I thought to myself "I would probably use the word more than once too. It's such a nice word." By the end of the book, I absolutely hated the word with all of my heart.
  • I had already outgrown the book when I read it at the age of ten.
Things I liked about the book:
  • It seemed to wrap itself up just enough so that I didn't have to read the rest of the series.
  • It makes for a nice decoration.
  • It makes for a nice paperweight.
  • There's some mystery to it, and I think that kids would enjoy it, and the characters were likable, and despite being kind of cliché the plot was interesting, and the writing was decent, with the exception of the overuse of the word "declared."
I recommend this book to children and people who have not read Harry Potter yet, because if you read Harry Potter, you won't be able to appreciate this book nearly as much.

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