Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Books to Burn: Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

This is the Great Illustrated Classics version, an I'm not sure if it's any different from the actual Alice in Wonderland. However, I can say with complete certainty, that I strongly disliked this book. With ever fiber in my being.

For starters, what was the plot? Alice falls down a rabbit hole. A bunch of unexplained, strange, and extremely unclear things happen.

When I was eight, I wrote a ten page book that made no sense. There was no plot, one thing would happen and then in the next page I completely forgot about that detail and it altered the plot immensely. The characters were strange and would be very hard to picture if it wasn't for the clip art pictures I attached to the document. This book was only slightly better than mine.

I didn't understand the book at all. For one thing, it was so different from the movie. The movie was probably not even based off of this book. Even so, I liked the movie better. Because at least the movie made sense. Also, I didn't appreciate this book. You know when you finish a good book and you just think "That was satisfying. It was wonderfully written and changed my perspective on life. I appreciate the author for creating this masterpiece." Well, I DID NOT APPRECIATE THIS BOOK.

Also, I hated Alice's character. It didn't even sound like a kid was talking. I understand that this book was written quite a while ago, but I'm pretty sure that kids from the 1860s did not speak like fifty year old British noblemen.

If you've read any of my other reviews, you'll know that I don't like repetition of words. Well, there was some repetition here, because everything was "peculiar." I loved the word the first time I read it. I practiced saying it out loud and liked the sound of it. After about the tenth time, I felt very tempted to cross the word out of my book.

So . . . I didn't like this book. However, I am open to reading other editions of the book in hopes that there's possibly a better version of the story that makes more sense. I also know that this book has been speculated to death and that it might have some major political undertones, but in my opinion, Alice in Wonderland is a book filled with nonsense.

Feel free to disagree with me in the comments below.

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