Saturday, May 3, 2014

Books to Burn: Allegiant by Veronica Roth

**To view spoilers, drag your mouse over the empty space between"<SPOILER>...<SPOILER>"

I'm actually not going to burn this book because it looks too pretty on my bookshelf, so . . .
For those of you who don't know what Allegiant is, it is the final book in the Divergent trilogy. The first book, Divergent, was great, even though it's not really a book I would typically read. I think I enjoyed the second book, Insurgent, more. Allegiant was a bit of a let down, though.

The book was poised to be super awesome with lots of action, but it wasn't. I have nothing wrong with an author not writing a traditional "hero saves the day and has a happily ever after" book, but I just didn't enjoy this book.

<SPOILER> I didn't have a problem with Tris dying. It was kind of a meaningless death, but I don't think that's where the author made her flaw. I think the flaw was with the whole genetic damage and genetic purity thing. If genetic damage doesn't actually really affect someone, then why would there be a one hundred year war about it? Honestly. World War I and II didn't last that long. I just found so many elements in the book confusing and weird and unnecessary. Everyone is so sad that Tris died, but that honestly made the book slightly better for me. The author didn't do the traditional thing. I wish I could say it surprised me, but someone spoiled me while I was reading Insurgent. But I imagine that if I found it out on my own, I would have liked it. It made the book more interesting and less predictable. <SPOILER>

One thing that I didn't like about the book is how the author executed having two POVs (points of view). I couldn't tell the two voices apart, which really bothered me. I would be reading and suddenly Tris would be taking about how beautiful she is, and then I would have to reread the chapter from Tobias's point of view, which annoyed me.

So, this book wasn't completely terrible. I had to finish it to get some sort of resolution, though. The epilogue is beautiful, though. I thought that was a terrific way to wrap up the book. However, I wasn't a fan of most of the stuff before that . . .

I did enjoy most of the series, though. It was interesting. I don't say I would regret reading it. I just feel like this book wasn't as amazing as I wanted it to be.

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