Saturday, June 7, 2014

Characters from Books: Neville Longbottom

Neville is an awesome character. For six books, he was basically the same. He slowly learned about the things that he liked to do. For example, he began to excel at herbology somewhere along the way. But in the 7th book, we learned why he was sorted into Gryffindor. He suddenly became this very brave person and helped destroy one of the horcruxes. This didn't come out of the blue, either. In the first book, he stood up for what he believed in, so when knew he had it in him.

But Neville's character has kind of always been awesome. He helped Harry with the Tri-Wizard tournament, he's a bit of a stud when it comes to dancing, and he's Gryffindor! Come on!

It also helped that his character developed really well in the movies, and there are MILLIONS of memes about that, and I love all of them. And I'm usually not one to talk about how attractive someone is, but this guy is better than the boy who lived. He is the boy who kicked puberty's butt.
And there are some cool herbology memes.

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