Saturday, May 17, 2014

Preparing for summer

Summer is creeping around the corner, and I will need a lot of things to fill my days with. So, today I went to a bunch of garage sales and absolutely hit the jackpot. I got twenty books, twenty AMAZING books in great condition, for less than 10 dollars. Needless to say, I am so happy!
Of course, because this is a book blog, I will show you which books I got, with the exact covers I got.

Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson

I have already seen the movie, but you don't understand what happens to your mind when books only cost 25 cents. I had to have it. I'm sure that the movie skipped over some amazing parts in this book. I'm sure of it.

The Last Dragon by Silvana De Mari

I have not heard of this book until today. It seemed interesting enough, and I really wanted to indulge my inner fantasy geek.

The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke

I have heard of this book. Apparently, it's been made into a movie but that movie looks stupid. I wanted to check this book out from the library before, but it only cost a few cents, and the summary was intriguing.

The Compound by SA Bodeen

I haven't heard of this book until today. That's the beauty of garage sales. The summary was short and sweet. "Eli and his family have lived in the Compound for six years. The world they know is gone. Eli's father built the Compound to keep them safe. Now, they can't get out. He won't let them." It's really mysterious, fits into the genre that I usually enjoy reading, and I always like to read new things.

Deep and Dark and Dangerous by Mary Downing Hahn

I don't even know what this book is about. I really like the author and trust that the book will be entertaining. The cover was cool, and it only cost me a dime.
I only skimmed over the summary, saw the words "summer" "photograph" and "die." That's all I need to know.

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

I have heard of this book before. I'm not really sure what it's about, but I'll find out soon enough. The cover is pretty and I think that I'll enjoy it. If not, I'll have lost out on 25 cents. That's a real bummer.

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo

I have a love/hate relationship with the author, but this book seems a little different from her other work, so I'm very interested to see what it's about. I know that it's about a china rabbit. I've read the first page about a million times. But I've never progressed from there and I really want to.

The Tiger Rising by Kate DiCamillo

I have read this one and I wanted to have my own copy of it, and it barely cost anything, so nothing was going to stop me from buying it.
For those of you who haven't read it, it's about a boy named Rob who has a sad background and finds a tiger. It's a bit dragged out, but it's still a short book. It's not one of those books you read for the action.
To be honest, I read it so I could count it towards my reading challenge.

A Week in the Woods by Andrew Clements

I have read a few books by Andrew Clements a while back, so I didn't need to read any of the summary to know that the book would be decent. It's pretty short. I'm excited to read it.

Peter Pan by JM Barrie

I have seen part of the Disney movie. I don't really remember what happens.
I really liked Great Illustrated Classics because I like the layout of the books and they make it less intimidating to read classics, so I jumped at the chance to buy this book.

Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls

I have seen the movie and I remember crying at the end. I don't remember much of what happened before the end besides the fact that nearly 2/3 of all of the characters died. There are probably a lot of messages that I missed as well, considering that I watched the movie before I could tie my shoes.
To be honest, I'm not sure if I'll ever read it because it really takes a lot to get me to read anything that's not fantasy.

Lords of the Flies by William Golding

I've heard a lot about this book and have wanted to read it for a long, long time. Because for some reason, my school curriculum is skipping over all of the actual classics so we can read absolute crap instead.

Eragon by Christopher Paolini

I found this book at the first garage sale I went to and got it for 25 cents. Yes!
I know that this book is about a guy who finds a dragon egg, which seems a little cliché, but I'll trudge through the book anyways.
Also, people are saying that it's like LoTR (if you don't know what that stands for, something is wrong with you) but I don't know yet.

Eldest by Christopher Paolini

I found this book at the last garage sale I went to, which I think is kind of interesting. It looks a lot larger than Eragon. I don't know what it's about yet, because no sane person would read the back of the second book in a series when they haven't read the first book.

The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien

I didn't actually own a version of this book until today. I'm not entirely sure how that's possible. I'm not entirely sure what's wrong with me.
This is the best picture I could find of the particular cover I have, so I'm sorry about that. I know. Everything being off-centered is annoying me too.

Unfinished Tales by JRR Tolkien

I haven't read this yet, but judging from the title, it will probably annoy me a lot.
If they are unfinished, I will refuse to just use my imagination. If they were finished by someone else, I would probably feel like they were lacking and weird. We'll have to see.

Inkheart by Cornelia Funke

I didn't realize that I had bought two books by the same author. I'm just happy that I found this book because I've been wanting to read it and I DON'T EVEN KNOW I JUST BOUGHT TWENTY BOOKS CAN YOU ALLOW ME TO BE EXCITED???

Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver

I don't know what the cover looks like because I don't have the dust jacket, so we'll just assume it looks like this.
I probably wouldn't have bought it if it had this cover, but I might end up really enjoying this book and I might be happy that I bought it.

The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan

I recently finished this one and now I have the actual version. I didn't love this book, but that was only because it was awesome and not AAAWEEEESSSOOOOMMEEEEEEE!!!!!

1984 by George Orwell

I have been dying to read this book and I am so happy that I was able to get such an amazing book in such amazing condition and I AM SOOOOOO HAPPPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!
And mature. Of course.

I think that's everything. I will start reading right this second because I'm so anxious to. I will be doing book talks soon.

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