Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Dystopiathon: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

**To view spoilers, drag your mouse over the empty space between"<SPOILER>...<SPOILER>"
In case you haven't seen it, I did a book review of The Hunger Games: http://bookahooligans.blogspot.com/2014/05/dystopiathon-hunger-games-by-suzanne.html

So, I want you to go read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Then you can read my review. Then go out and read Catching Fire. Then you can read this. Got it? Okay.

To recap, for the first few hundred pages of the book, Katniss is just chillin' out in the woods. Then President Snow comes into her house and basically says "Love Peeta or I'll kill you." Then he throws Katniss back into The Hunger Games. What fun . . .

This is my favorite book in the trilogy. The Hunger Games had me hooked, and Catching Fire was even better. I did not expect for Katniss to have to go back into the games. From that point on, I devoured the book.
I loved all of the characters, minus the fact that so many of them died.
When Peeta ran into the force field, I was so scared. Peeta isn't my favorite character, but it's still like Wait . . . he's dying? The author also made it sound like Finnick was trying to kill him, and I was screaming at my book "I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! Wait . . . oh."
When the hovercraft broke through the force field, I thought that the Capitol was interfering in the games, and when Johanna cut out Katniss's tracker, I thought she was trying to kill Katniss.
I love when I predict something in a book and it doesn't happen. You know you're a good author when you trick your readers into thinking something that doesn't happen.

The cliffhanger in this book was awesome. It wasn't just like "Katniss had no idea where she was. The end." It was "Katniss, there is no District 12." HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? WHAT'S GOING ON?

Overall, awesome book. I love how much thought the author put into the arena and the characters and the book was beautiful and kick butt awesome. <SPOILERS>

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