Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I took the sorting hat quiz . . .

Recently, I joined Pottermore after I found out that Luna Lovegood married some Quidditch player, and that originated from Pottermore, so I didn't want to miss out on anything.
I have already taken a sorting hat quiz, but not on Pottermore. It wasn't official unless it was Pottermore.

I was not sorted into Hufflepuff, luckily. My parents would have been very disappointed. They would have disowned me and sent me to live under the stairs for the rest of my life. If I would have been sorted into Hufflepuff, I would have been a disgrace to the family and they would hate me and probably tell everyone that I tragically died in a car accident on my way to Hogwarts to get sorted.

I'm not a Slytherin, and I've never identified as one. In the song that they sang during the sorting hat ceremony in the Sorcerer's (or Philosopher's, for you silly British people) Stone, it says that the Slytherins will go to any means to get what they want (paraphrasing). But I've never been like that. Take the hallways, for example. I never push or shove to get past people. I just find some spaces to walk in and if there's an opening for me to get by, I'll take it. But I would never run someone over to get past.

Now we're down to two: Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. I personally see myself as more of a Ravenclaw, but I don't really flaunt my knowledge. I never try to draw attention to it, and I think that Ravenclaws are very proud of their smarts. But, much like Hermoine Granger, who--despite her knowledge--was sorted into Gryffindor.

We are taught to like Gryffindor. Gryffindor is like, THE house, and most of our favorite protagonists come from this house. But I'm just not excited by Gryffindor. They're all basically jocks, and I'm an orchestra nerd. I suppose that standing up for myself and being different is a bit of a Gryffindor trait, but I'm still not a big Gryffindor.
It's better than Hufflepuff.

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