Saturday, June 7, 2014

Book Talks: The Harry Potter series

If you have not read the Harry Potter series yet, you absolutely must. I don't care if it takes you fifteen years to read them. You have to.

I decided I would do a mini-book talk about the entire series. There will be spoilers, so if you haven't read the series yet, leave. And of course, if you've only read the first book, don't read the book talk for the second book, if you've read the second book, don't read the book talk for the third book, and so on.
Basically, read at your own risk.

Okay. If you're here, I'm guessing you've read the series or most of the series.

#1 Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone
This is the happiest book in the series. Besides learning the Harry's parents have died and all of that stuff about Voldemort, it's the happiest book. Even the cover's kind of quirky and childish. (In the best way possible)
Harry is just learning about the wizarding world, and he hasn't known about it until now. It's a really good book. Not my favorite in the series.
The beginning was hard to get past though. You had to read up to page 50 just for Harry to finally catch onto the fact that he's a wizard. Still really good book, really enjoyed it.

#2 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Things start to get a little more serious here. Harry learns that Moaning Myrtle died and that Voldemort is slowly coming back and all of the students could be petrified or murdered by a snake at any moment. But the series isn't too dark yet. The cover of the book still looks like a children's book, it's only a little larger than the previous book. Again, it's not my favorite in the series, but they're all so amazing.

#3 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
This is a good one. For one thing, Harry has a family member who was close with his parents! Yay. Also, there was a little more mystery regarding the time turner. I didn't know how Hermione was taking a million classes a day. (Magic! of course!) And I loved how they used the time turner in the end to save the hippogriff and Sirius. Also, Harry learns a lot in this book. In this book, we get to take a look into the magical world. We learn about dementors, patronuses, boggarts, and we learn that Draco is the most annoying person to ever exist.

#4 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
This is almost everyone's favorite book in the series. It's not my favorite, but it's a super close second.
The cover looks a little more serious. Harry's lost some baby fat on his face, and all of the people in the background look angry and sophisticated. The Tri-Wizard Tournament is awesome. And . . . VOLDEMORT'S BACK! Loved this book. I remember shaking and choking on . . . air . . . as I was reading the end of this book. I was gasping and just . . . a wreck.

#5 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
This is actually my favorite in the series. I really enjoyed it. Everyone says, "How can you like it? Sirius died!" but I just loved Dumbledore's army.
Although, I ABSOLUTELY HATE PROFESSOR UMBRIDGE. I WANTED TO REACH THROUGH THE PAGES OF THE BOOK AND STRANGLE HER. I love reading about book characters totally outsmarting the villains, and Hermione did that so well at about page 747. If you don't have a copy of the book within five feet of you, Hermione says something along the lines of, "We have to tell them where it's hidden, Harry!" Basically, she leads Professor Umbridge into the woods and she's murdered by centaurs. Yay!

#6 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Not my favorite in the series. I don't remember a lot of the details because it wasn't as interesting to me. I do remember Harry kicking ass in potion's class, and that was awesome. And I loved how he brought up Ron's self-confidence and . . . oh, it was a good book. Not my favorite, though. Dumbledore dies, but I actually wasn't too sad.
The cover looks pretty serious, doesn't it?

#7 Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows
Ultra-serious cover.
I don't want to talk too much about the Horcruxes or anything. I loved the action in this book and when Mrs. Weasley went all mama-bear on page 736. ("NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!")
I did not like Dobby's death. I was fine with almost everyone else dying in the series. But I was not fine with Dobby's death. AT ALL.
And I thought that Harry fixed the school with the Elder Wand. I thought he said "reparo" and then the school was just back to normal. I guess that didn't happen. Did it?
Now let's talk about the epilogue. Harry and Ginny get together. No surprise. Ron and Hermione get together. Again, not surprised. It doesn't say if Luna and Neville get together, but I'd like to think they do.
And the last sentence in the entire Harry Potter series is . . . "All was well."

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