Friday, June 6, 2014

Before Viewing The Book Thief Movie

Tonight, I am going to watch The Book Thief. I recently read the book and made a post about it here:
Now, I didn't hate the book, as I stated in my review, but I didn't really enjoy my experience. It definitely expanded my reading into a different genre and intrigued me, but it is not an exciting book.

The Book Thief has beautiful language in it. Sure, in some cases, the sentences just made no sense. But most of the time, it was like reading a painting. I do not think that this will translate well on the screen. There wasn't a whole lot of astonishing dialogue in the book. It was mainly descriptions, and unless they figured out how to do justice to Death's narration on the screen, which would be amazing, I'm very wary of the movie.
I watched the trailer and I think I'm pretty satisfied with the casting, so there are no problems there. Besides the fact that the girl who plays Liesel is Canadian, and some of her speaking in the trailers sounded kind of overdone. But I think she'll do okay. I am worried that whoever acted as Rudy will not meet my expectations. Just because.
Now, this movie should be pretty hard to screw up. Percy Jackson was really easy to mess up, because there are lots of funny details that were in the book that were left out in the movie. However, this book has a pretty simple job: get all of the scenes where Liesel steals a book, get Max on the screen a lot, do one of those cool animation things for all of Max's books like they did in that one scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, get that one scene where Liesel punches someone in the face, and wrap it all up with one pretty little bow. That's all I want. I don't care if the 18th time that Mama made terrible soup is included in the movie.

I am looking forward to this movie because I think it's really easy to execute this movie well. Based on some of the reviews I read, I'm a little worried, but I think that they might be able to pull through.

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